NR-N99 Persuader-Class Tank Droid

Omg, this kit. I have so much love for this model. There’s a ridiculous amount of love and detail gone into this for a tank that barely appears on screen in the movies. Hands down my favorite model I’ve ever built for a miniatures game.

I ended up taking a bit of a different approach to what I normally would do with this. The majority of the work was done as monochrome value mapping with an airbrush, and then I went over the top of it with some GW Contrast paints and finished up with some manual highlighting and weathering. I’m not 100% sold on the final look because as I’ve mentioned previously I really really don’t like the finish of Contrast paints, but I appreciate them too much as a tool to have not used them here.

Unfortunately it’s seen a bit of wear since I initially painted it, one of the passenger droids lost his arms, and both of the antenna have broken (I’m pretty sure all my sep models with antenna have broken at this point, its a massive design flaw). But I really really like this guy and I just love owning it and having it on my shelf.